To foster connection, creation, and thoughtful innovation so that people can experience fulfillment personally and as a community.

About TechBridge

As humans we have a restless desire to learn and improve out situation. However, while seeing the inefficiencies and ineffectiveness around us is uncomplicated, finding solutions are rarely obvious. The more established our communities become, the more challenging it is to disrupt with positive change. Simultaneously, the quicker technological advances democratize opportunities, the more unclear an individual’s role my become. It is therefore essential for the sustainability of a community, that a critical openness to exploration, with reliable support systems, be integreated into its core fabric.

Our name was chosen to take on a variety of meanings. It will certainly be a technology space in the city of Lethbridge. However, technology has connotations that either induce excitement or anxiety, depending on your knowldge and previous experiences. Thus, by focusing on technology as simply a tool for our primary reason for being, we slo hope to bridge knowledge and relationships between techies, technicians and everyone else who calls Southern Alberta home.

We first and foremost desire to be a place where everyone, both people and organizations, are enabled to pursue their interests and pasions in their personal lives, in preparing for new jobs and careers, in innovating in their business, or in solving the problems of many or few.

Purpose and Vision

TechBridge Innovation Centre’s purpose is to foster connection, creation and thoughtful innovation, so that people can experience fulfillment personally and as a community.

Our desire is to see the City of Lethbridge and surrounding communities feel a sense of oneness with each other, the environment and the rest of the world. To become world-leaders in synergies formed from both our strengths and the issues that previously held us back. We desire to produce not the most products, but the most appropriate solutions for Southern Alberta’s human and natural communities. We desire for everyone to feel respected in their contributions and a responsibility to continue contributing in ways they are able to; to create a space and a community that inspires exceptionally innovative thinking; for everyone to feel safe, for everyone to feel heard, and for everyone to feel pride in how their community interacts and responds to one another locally and globally.


Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Building coming soon!


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